When one think goes bad...I try to look at the positive. I am far from perfect on that aspect, but I do make and honest effort at it. When my rent was recently raised I was very unhappy at first, but then I started seeing 'For Rent' signs near by and decided to check things out.
Now the first house that I really wanted was way beyond my budget, and I didn't want the hassles of dealing with a roommate either, so I kept looking.... and found a 2 bedroom house w/ a large fenced yard.... but it didn't hit me right away as being "the one"..so I kept looking. But then something inside said to keep going back to the little 2 bedroom and decided that that was the house that we needed. And so for the past two weeks we have been packing, moving, unpacking and sorting!!
Oh, did I also happen to mention aside from that in the middle of it all college started back up again and then there is the full time graveyard shift job...but you know what, I am so grateful for it all! I absolutely love this lil house! It is nothing fancy and has so many layers of paint on the walls and cabinet doors that it takes a bit of effort to shut some of them. But it is so cute and has so many built-ins for storage, plus a small one car sized storage space...how could I not be grateful for the little bit of bad that happens!
I thank the Goddesses and Gods every day for showing me my path and that it is okay to be upset at the bad, but to find the good in it and keep on moving forward!