Friday, May 30, 2014

Rock N Roll Queen.....

Aahhh, how fitting I am a week late for this post, but made the release for this song ... and of course it is from Joe Elliott of Def Leppard and The Quire Boys.  Paying a bit of homage to one of the musicians/bands that inspired them as kids growing up... "Mott the Hoople, and various side projects of Mott, Ian Hunter, and British Lions" (Link to article)   Much like I would love to do to show my appreciation of what Def Leppard has done for me over the past 30+ years.

Def Leppard has been in my life since about the sixth or seventh grade. They have been my passion ever since.  The melodies, harmonies, rhythm, and lyrics take me to someplace I can get lost in and find my passions again.  I think it is the echoing background vocals and harmonies that play against the lead vocals that really does it for me. You see I used to sing in choir back in the day, and vocalists are my downfall.. hehe   (Although I usually end up with a drummer... what's up with that??) 

I even have their Def Leppard logo tattooed on my left upper arm... yes, that dedicated!  And I will be seeing them when they are with KISS this Summer!! But there are other bands I truly love as well, way too many to name, but I will tell you a few for right now because they are on the top of my brain at the moment.

Next is KiLLeR DWaRfS, one of the good things about my daughter's dad was his taste in music. (I honestly think I stayed with him as long as I did b/c of that... but that's another story!)  He introduced me to so many bands that most people had not heard of yet, Killer Dwarfs was among them.  They are without a doubt, one of the most lyrically inspiring bands out there.  And yes, I know there are more bands out there as well, but these guys for some reason have a special spot in my heart, and brain because I can get Keep That Spirit Alive, Stand Tall, We Stand Alone, and/or Dirty Weapons to name a few, stuck in my head all day long... and in such a great way!  It puts a kick in my step and a smile on my face.  And then there is the new one from last Summer, Start@One album that I need to pick up.  I've heard it on Spotify and love it.

I was a little freaked out when I heard that they were in a five car accident after leaving the Rocklahoma Festival just the other day.  Russ Dwarf (vocalist) was injured with non life threatening injuries, and has been released and they are all back home in Canada now.

So on to another band, and vocalist that I love, Kevin Martin and Candlebox.  There is an overall sound that I get lost in with this band.  Like other bands, I get transported, I get lost in the sound.  Music is my meditation, it is my mind altering experience, where I can go to release all the good and all of the bad.  I have other genres that I listen to as well, and different styles of rock I enjoy as well.  I will cover all as this series progresses.  But music is the one true thing that I can say "I belong" too, it has never let me down, it has never argued with me about their opinion, and has always fed my passion.  I don't follow sports or other media celebrities, and music is my drug of choice.  Back in the HS days all I wanted was a soda and my music.  It is becoming full circle now, because that is where I seem to be as well.  (Rarely drink or have cigs anymore.. we are talking months inbetween!)

Well as I seem to be almost rambling now... either that or I am getting to caught up in my music (KiLLeR DWaRfS of Spotify)  I hope you enjoy the links, and the journey as I go floating through all of the tunes that bring passion to me!  White Light and Blessings!  <3

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Chris Page of Cups is posted!

So much for taking a power nap at night.. I shoulda known better!  But I think I will do some inside Spring cleaning today since as I am writing this my sunny day turned to a downpour... so no weed-eating my jungle in the backyard today!

And also as I write this I notice there is a schedule button on the right side of my screen... I think I will check that out do posts are posted on time!  Yes, welcome to my world!  ;)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Charmed, I'm sure....

But this is a tricky subject for me believe it or not... Why? you may ask, well pull up a toad stool and sit for a spell, and I will explain to ya!  (I hope you like puns :D) 

I totally believe in magick, from the simplest energy release to imaginary world of books, TV, and the big screen.  I believe in the fact there is dark and gray magick, and personalities. For without the dark, how can you see the light? I've mentioned before that I am the farthest from a traditionalist as you can get.  I look at things more of a word of mouth type of relationship with learning and experiencing... picture going back to when humans were evolving and sharing information of plants, healing, and hunting techniques.  I learned from Scott Cunningham that you could make a simple ritual from a few blades of grass and a paper cup with some water.  So I have never gone to the extreme of rituals, or dress, or anything formalized.

So, I am still one of those that doesn't seem to do much of the physical practicing of witchcraft.. it is more done in my head.  I think some is due to time issues, some is due to how I relate to being a witch, and some has to due with being a bit on the lazy side.  I admit it, I am a very laid back person and sometimes that gets the best of me.  I am one who likes to "feed off" of energy of another person for some of my motivation.  And that just sounds awful, but think of it as a more of energy that is shared between friends and inspires you.. does that make more sense??  But have to admit most of my friends have moved away, and I live five hours away from my hometown.. so hanging out physically with people isn't really much of an option.  But I have some awesome online folks who inspire me, but I am one of those who falls into the trap of staying online for too long, and end up FUBARing my entire day.. Ugh!!

So my idea with these blogs is that I can use them as a source of information and inspiration to keep myself "moving" and not being so laid back.  I mean really... I plan and plan, decide what I am going to do and get half way done and don't finish.. WTF???  I have a good energy burst, and fizzle out before I get to do the completion.  I have many seeds to grow herbs... note the word 'seeds'... not that I have plants to harvest, herbs to dry, and magickal formulas to create.  It's time to get out of my head, and do some creating!

Each time that Magick is the topic of this blog I will share some information and research, and a bit more about my own personal beliefs or "practices."  Thank you for being my energy source!

White Light and Blessings!  <3

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Wyn - Knight of Wands

Yep, until yet another new schedule is set Saturdays may work out better for writing.  The latest scoop is that I had a warehouse job, set schedule and all that good stuff (still just a temp position) but boy howdy was it hard on this ole bod!  Loved the job though, and hope I didn't FUBAR any bridges because I had to leave on such short notice... but I ended up getting another full time seasonal job at one of the big chain DIY home improvement stores.  Just found out Thursday night that training starts on Monday morning!  And it may not be a big deal to anyone else, but I will save about $100 bucks a month in gas alone because it is a bit closer to home.... So here is to getting a foot in the door, and a decent schedule :D 

Anyway... back to the main point of this post... Wyn has been created and released, Enjoy!

Friday, April 25, 2014

For Unlawful Carnial Knowledge...

So... this is the start of a regular bi-weekly column that I will write about one of three different topics that are in pursuit of one of the topics in the title of this blog.  On alternating weeks I will continue to build upon my StoryBook.

This initial blog is going to be just a quick summary of general topics I will be diving into to kind of give you a heads up of what is going on in my brain!... Yeah, if left unfiltered that could be a scary place to be.. haha   Also, another heads up that this may sometimes get published on Saturdays because I just started a job that is very physically demanding... and not that it is hard work per se... it is just hard because it is walking, repeatedly and quickly, in a warehouse with cement floors pulling book orders.  Love the job, pay could be a little better, but the schedule is nice and the people seem to be as well.  But man, oh man, do my poor footies hurt at the end of the day... and yes, getting some arch supports for my new shoes are in order!  And sometimes a nap is just in order for the day... which leads to just going to bed obscenely early.  I'm a night owl BTW, and this is a first for me to be able to function during "daylight/morning" hours.. hahaha     But I digress..  Back to the topic at hand!

Sex.. I like sex.. who doesn't like sex?  Is there a reason why you wouldn't like sex?  Is it a past or present issue?  Or are you one of the many people who let their Freak Flag Fly whenever possible?  Do you worry about the sex industry, sex/human trafficking, and the many STDs that you could contract from having an affair, or unprotected sex?  What about the porn industry.. is that something you have a strong opinion of, whether it is for against the 'movies'?  Are women being demeaned and cheapened, or is it empowering?  Do you have open conversations with your children about sex and their bodies, and do you expect abstinence from them, or realize the truth of the matter and try to just educate them?

These are just some of the topics I am going to be talking about under this umbrella term of SEX.  I look forward to having an open, honest, adult... as in mature here folks, conversation about this topic.  It isn't a battle of who is right and who is wrong, but ideas to either get you thinking or having a conversation with your lover, friends, or even me, about a basic natural biological function that we as humans have a choice it physically doing...  So are you ready??  I am.... Let's go!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Queen Savannah

Well I almost forgot... I started a new job this past week, and boy have I been tired.  Not that the job is hard per se.. it is just walking around and around in a warehouse picking book orders... I just haven't had to do that for couple of decades, and cement hasn't gotten any softer!  haha

But just a quick word to let you know a new character has been added.  Savannah, Queen of Swords.  So please check out my StoryBook Page.

Also, I am going to be introducing a bi-weekly post on one of three topics that are in the title of this happy lil blog... sex, magick, or rock n roll...  So to start things out with a bang, next week shall be about sex.. oh shucks, golly gee, and gee-whiz, I am so glad we are all adults here and can handle these conversations, from the silly to the more serious.  I figure knowledge is power, and what is more powerful than knowing about your own bodies, or how you can be a positive role model for others.  So please stay tuned for this topic and more!

Thank you, White Light and Blessings! <3

Friday, April 4, 2014

Pieter the Page of Pentacles

Yep, it is that Friday time.. almost was thinking it was Thursday still! 

So keeping with the order of drawing cards, I am proud to introduce Pieter the Page of Pentacles to you, so hop on over to the StoryBook page and check him out!

Friday, March 21, 2014

King Conner

Please stop by the StoryBook Page and see the latest installment of the King of Cups!!

And as a side note... how does my page look???  Am I having tech issues?, and my usual white picket fence & sunflowers are gone on your end???  Drop me a line and let me know....

Thank you, White Light and Blessings!  <3

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Queen Catherine

Her first draft of her character description has been uploaded.. I'm so excited!!

Friday, February 28, 2014

New Section

I have added a new section to my blog, it is called My Storybook Page, and it will be created by using.....

Well, I will just let you go check it out instead of re-writing it all again... column is just over there, off the right.. See you over there!

Thank you, White Light and Blessings!! <3

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Road blocks, fear of success???

So I was reading a fabulous blog today from the The Four Queens and this set my mind on a tangent, because I have been working on my fear of success, and I had this light bulb come on and wonder if part of my fear is because I am worried that I may change who I am??  Will I get "corrupted"??  Will I forget those I know, and are friends??

Also I have a little "hidden" fear,worry, pondering thought?? not quite sure what to call it  (well, okay it ain't hidden no more now then is it.. haha)  What if all of these wonderful people that we love to watch and we get to have the occasional chance to chit chat with... become so successful in their work/passions/services they provide you won't see their presence as much???  These are people that are your virtual favorites that can uplift your day and make you think about things going on around you.  Damn, I hate it when I sound like a stalker.....   But underneath it all, it got me to thinking about when you move forward in life.

I have had many jobs, that while they were grunt jobs, I really truly loved them... they just didn't pay squat!  Well okay, one paid really really well, and I kick myself in the ass everyday for allowing myself to give it up.. but that is a whole other blog topic!   My point is that as you move on to what should be bigger and better things, you sometimes lose the people that were there before.  Different schedules different routines and timelines just don't match up and pretty soon there is no contact at all.  So what you thought was a "great advancement", has a big drawback and empty spot.

I think about people I used to work with on a pretty regular basis, I have no way of contacting them anymore, so they are just fond memories.  And while not to paint everything with rose colored glasses, most of my memories are good ones and ones I would have liked to continue had the necessity and desire to "break even" at least hadn't have been the needed choice to make.

So.... to wrap this up and around to where it makes a complete thought, I am realizing that I worry about success because I don't want to leave people behind, and lose contacts, and lose "myself" while still trying to adapt to new ways of thinking and building myself up to where I want to be.  And yes, I know there are many "sub-issues" in this statement as well... again, that is for another blog!

Thank you for stopping by, White Light and Blessings!  <3

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Interesting and Informative

Here is a great, and funny interview from Mary Roach, author of the book Bonk, on a TED Talk...

10 Things you didn't know.....

Who said researching was boring!  

Heck, I just realized this was just part of a whole series, here are the rest...

Sex Talks on TED Talks 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Fittin In..

So how many munchkins out there are like me.. wondering how you can fit in, but at the same time not wanting to "play that game"??

I mean I have always been that rebel without a clue, walking my own walk, and saying fuck you to the mass majority.  Keeping most out of arms reach.

But sometimes when you get older you start to look for a group to hang with, a "Ya-Ya Sisterhood" to share your thoughts, drives, and similarities with... even when that is, and has been, against what you have done your whole life.  You have chosen to step outside of your comfort zone! 

Is it really for you though??  Is it just your ego holding you back?? Is it normal to feel almost like your skin crawls trying to fit in, or can you really put on a mask to get the message out there?  And if you do use a mask.. is your true message going to be heard?  Are you just feelin butt-hurt for things not happening as fast as you want them to happen???

These are the things that float through my head.  I have a lot to offer, I just don't think I always have the way to express it.  I can be a unique pill to swallow if you can't see the real me.  And I have gotten used to that over the years... not every one is the prom queen.  Maybe it is a lack of patience, maybe it is a lack of effort.. but really should it be an "effort"??  This is my conundrum .. do I say "look at me, look at me!"  or do I just continue on my merry little happy assed way, and keep trying to keep on, keeping on??  Waiting for the light-bulb to finally click on and see there are other people out there that have been in the shadows as well...

Well I like to switch my own switch, so we will see what turns on..

Thursday, January 23, 2014


The Calling

I would so enjoy it if you could join me in a FaceBook Event that I created to send out some Love into the Universe, either at a certain time (GMT) or just a good vibe all day long on the day of this Supermoon!   I will be projecting White Light and Outward Facing Mirrors to ward of negativity.  Won't you join me???

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Are your perceived offenses really just a road block???

This thought just hit me while I was looking over some self-help, solo-prenuer offerings.  As I was looking at some of the titles and descriptions, some of them kinda offended me!

"Live a First Class Life"  was one that stuck in my craw a bit. Why??? Because my perception of what "first class" is has to do with the money/class system.

Now I am getting as close to poor as I want to get at the moment, so to see an advertisement for making money as representing being "first class" really bothered me.  I may be poor, but I think I am still a classy dame!  *insert winky face here...

But it all boiled down to my perception of the class systems we have been taught and have had engrained in our minds... for eons, well maybe as long as capitalism (just my opinion here folks).
The "I need to be rich so I can have self-worth" ideals and morals that have dictated society and out culture for so long.  A first class life has more than just the obvious meaning of wealth, it is how you live your true self and walk your talk.

Another thing I thought of was...Once you know some of the tools of the trade I have a hard time moving forward because I feel like I have been duped by the hype and have followed blindly like the other "sheepeople"  who are looking for that life-raft in a sea of despair.  I don't like being "sheepeople" and the thought of it truly, truly bothers me.  Or, is it all just negative self talk and I need to pull up my individualized big girl panties, and go kick some metal ass and take charge of the situation???  * again, insert the Horns  \m/   DO I fight this inner gut feeling and keep saying it is for my own good and I have let myself fall into the negative trappings of other peoples opinions of me.. or at least my own perceived trappings of what I think they are thinking... yeah, say that three times fast!!  I mean I have pretty good intuition, but sometimes... I can think of a lot of good negative schnaa just from my own head, fed by doubts.  DO I realize that I am not duping other people by using known formulas for making a successful business, and know that as long as I am being straight forward and ethical, I am doing an alright thing??    Yeah, welcome to my world that is inside my head!   So, that is the next thing I am working on.  To do business you have to use a bit of psychology to show people what you have to offer and that they "should be" interested in it enough to buy.  Now to find my comfort zone in all that so I can do what needs to be done, but still not feel like the stereo-typed "used car salesman."   I know what I offer is good, made with love and positive intention... I just hate the sales pitch portion of the program!

I know I will be out of my slump soon, I am learning the how-tos and expanding my thoughts, and until then I know I can be First Class and a comfortable solution to selling is within reach.... even with 0 dollars in the bank, because I am one classy dame!

Thank you, White Light and Blessings to All!  <3

Sunday, January 19, 2014

New offering on my Etsy Shop!

Hey all, how are you today??  I am good, thank you.  I just wanted to stop by and tell you about my new offer... Ninety Nine Cent Tarot Reading!  I would offer it for free, but I can't.. so the next best thing I think!

There is a catch, but only a very small one...  I only ask that you give an honest review of my reading on my Etsy Shop!  That's it, that's all.  What I am offering is a Five Card, and any extras that appear, Spread in reply to your general question, in return you will receive a Word document to the e-mail that you provide.

Your e-mail will never be bought, sold, traded or what-have-you, just maybe a newsletter every now and again!  So I hope to see you there, and thank you for the opportunity to serve you and for letting me hone my skills!

PatchworkPentacles on Etsy

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Heelllooo there!

How is your 2014 going so far???  Mine is pretty good.  I have been having this Calling to do something since about Xmas time and I finally did it today. 

I created and Event on FaceBook: The Calling

It is just a simple request to put out some positive vibes and love to the Universe on the second supermoon... Black Moon.. on Jan 30th.  I personally am going to envision White Lights and Outward Facing Mirrors to repel any negativity. What are you going to envision??

Won't you join me???

Thank you, and White Light and Blessings to All!  <3