Friday, February 28, 2014

New Section

I have added a new section to my blog, it is called My Storybook Page, and it will be created by using.....

Well, I will just let you go check it out instead of re-writing it all again... column is just over there, off the right.. See you over there!

Thank you, White Light and Blessings!! <3

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Road blocks, fear of success???

So I was reading a fabulous blog today from the The Four Queens and this set my mind on a tangent, because I have been working on my fear of success, and I had this light bulb come on and wonder if part of my fear is because I am worried that I may change who I am??  Will I get "corrupted"??  Will I forget those I know, and are friends??

Also I have a little "hidden" fear,worry, pondering thought?? not quite sure what to call it  (well, okay it ain't hidden no more now then is it.. haha)  What if all of these wonderful people that we love to watch and we get to have the occasional chance to chit chat with... become so successful in their work/passions/services they provide you won't see their presence as much???  These are people that are your virtual favorites that can uplift your day and make you think about things going on around you.  Damn, I hate it when I sound like a stalker.....   But underneath it all, it got me to thinking about when you move forward in life.

I have had many jobs, that while they were grunt jobs, I really truly loved them... they just didn't pay squat!  Well okay, one paid really really well, and I kick myself in the ass everyday for allowing myself to give it up.. but that is a whole other blog topic!   My point is that as you move on to what should be bigger and better things, you sometimes lose the people that were there before.  Different schedules different routines and timelines just don't match up and pretty soon there is no contact at all.  So what you thought was a "great advancement", has a big drawback and empty spot.

I think about people I used to work with on a pretty regular basis, I have no way of contacting them anymore, so they are just fond memories.  And while not to paint everything with rose colored glasses, most of my memories are good ones and ones I would have liked to continue had the necessity and desire to "break even" at least hadn't have been the needed choice to make.

So.... to wrap this up and around to where it makes a complete thought, I am realizing that I worry about success because I don't want to leave people behind, and lose contacts, and lose "myself" while still trying to adapt to new ways of thinking and building myself up to where I want to be.  And yes, I know there are many "sub-issues" in this statement as well... again, that is for another blog!

Thank you for stopping by, White Light and Blessings!  <3

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Interesting and Informative

Here is a great, and funny interview from Mary Roach, author of the book Bonk, on a TED Talk...

10 Things you didn't know.....

Who said researching was boring!  

Heck, I just realized this was just part of a whole series, here are the rest...

Sex Talks on TED Talks