Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lady Bug is back to school....

Ahhh, the seventh grade.  For better or worse, I remember my first year of what was called then, junior high, nowadays it is considered middle school...And now my youngest is stepping into this new world.  She is nervous, but happy to start tomorrow.  A brand new adventure is awaiting for her, from already planning the two semi-formal dances with her best friends, to the heartache of unfounded gossip and rumors that seem to creep in when you aren't looking somewhere along the line.

Fortunately she has a good head on her shoulders, but it also goes along with an even bigger heart on her sleeve.  But what can you do but give what advise you can, share your experiences and how you handled situations, and just give your never ending love and support.  Explain to her that sometimes people think they live in a "reality" show and can say or do whatever they think of without any tact, manners, or filters.  One bonus of my lovely daughter is she is so darn mature for her age!  Another one of those for better or worse moments...hahaha

Well I wish her, and all the munchkins going back to school, nothing but the best and I hope they discover who they are and what they want to do later in life so they can begin learning now!

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