Monday, July 11, 2011

Extremists... What are they really afraid of??

I have always wondered this, what would drive a person to think that they need to determine what everybody should be doing within their private lives? The only answer I have ever come up with is control?!!

Power over another, by control, is what is needed to maintain a sense of order in the world they have created and they do not want to let go of this control. Unfortunately this is a very detrimental view of how the world truly works in an "organic" matter of way. I guess it follows suit to the view of as individuals we are very intelligent people, but put those same people together as a group, then intelligence level drops considerably. This is why I think many Pagans, Witches, etc. are solitary practitioners. Not to mention if you are of another sexual orientation.

While I was looking at my FaceBook Page today I saw many articles that are shared and that cover the topics of the Extreme Left and Right and what they are proliferating about various, politics, and and other religion besides their own. All of these topics seem to bad according to them. They feel that they should be able to tell you how to have sex, why their candidate is the only approved one who you have to vote for, and what one singular God who you must worship and pray to because if you do not you will burn in the fiery depths of Hell! Because your God is the only one who controls your life and you must constantly pray for redemption because you are not a worthy enough human being on your own to have a kind thought, caring heart, and a generous soul, without the express consent of this God and his chosen leaders who give you their permission to do so.

Is that thought a little extreme...from what I keep reading about and hearing, I honestly think that as a "group" this is what the Extremist are thinking, doing, and saying ...on a regular basis. The we as "individuals" within the extremist views are compassionate, loving, and generous, but somehow have lost the way to think for themselves.

But still the questions are there, and what can "we" as the in the middle type of people do to stop the onslaught of this negative thinking? I realize people are in a panic over the economy, two major wars going on, and all you hear are negative things in the media. Why don't we "pay it forward" a bit and start a stream of positive light and energy to ease some of the tension that is building? Something similar happened in WWII when many Witches got together to stave off an attack on the London shores. And I did try to find the source for this, and unfortunately was not able to find it, but I did remember watching it on a documentary from the History channel or similar channel. So I know it can be done. All we would really need to do is set a time, no matter your time zone, and send out our White Light Energy.

Imagine a wave of White Light being sent out every hour or so around the planet....

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