Monday, September 3, 2012

Oh Where oh where can she be???

WOW!  Where have I been lately?  This is not what I wanted to do... go months w/o writing!  I wanted this to be a weekly post.  Guess that is just what happens when you get to wrapped up in yourself and let things slide.

But I have done quite a bit of growing these past six months and have a better perspective on what I want to accomplish personally and in business.  I have discovered "The Secret".. the Law of Attraction, which I have always known was there I just didn't FOLLOW THROUGH!  Ugh!!  The story of my life... up to now, I have really been working on this.  I know my biggest fear, and failing to follow through with things is a major hurdle.  I have fear of success.. if you can believe that one!  I don't know why I have practically insisted on self sabotage and making things harder than they need to be.

But I have grown as I mentioned, and am working on getting Patchwork Pentacles launched.  I have a great idea for a poppet and am researching different fabrics and charms to use.  I have the basic pattern drawn out and am going to make a test pattern this weekend to see how easily it can come together because of the twist I want to add to the design.  This will be the first of many handmade items I will have available.

I have also realized the I need to quit doing so much research on areas of health... I know what to do, been there done that... I just need to do and live it!  And I need to develop my Spiritual side, and better learn my Craft.  I have always "known" but have never really comprehended the knowledge that I need to walk the path that I speak.

And while it seems like I have said too many "I"s, sometime you have to be a little selfish, so that you can greater help those in the world around you, something many of us seem to forget or feel guilty of doing.  So, with all of this being said, I hope to see you all next week with prototype for viewing!!  Blessings to all!!!  ~ )0( ~ \m/

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