Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Skin 'O My Teeth...but I am still going!

Well lucky me, I still get to continue on with school and I get to go to my "magical" school... Yes, my own Hogwarts!  This summer I will be taking Aromatherapy 101 and Herbology 101 at the American College of Healthcare Services, online, from Portland, OR.  Then I will just have two more courses to complete my Certificate for Natural Products Manufacturing. 

I am also completing my Bach degree, although I may have to take an extra term to finish up a class or two...( I had planned to be done in the Fall)  but all in all I think I have gotten myself past the fear of success hump and will have it by the end of the year! 

And not to mention that my son will be home soon from the Army, for good... YEAH! And I was able to find a cat that I had to give up when I had gotten divorced and moved where I couldn't have her anymore.  Thank you for FaceBook, if I had not "liked" my local news station, which I had only done a few days before!...I would have not seen the "Pet of the Day" for the local animal shelter!  Almost five years later there she was and I instantly new it was her and had to get her back, so now as my daughter says "all we need now is for her brother to come home, and our family will be complete!"  So very soon it will be mom, son, daughter, dog, and cat!

And Patchwork Pentacles is a go...business license, business cards, and website in progress... now to build the inventory... and create the work shoppe space... boy that will be a task!  But one I am so looking forward to the decluttering process.  I have been waiting for the weather to let up so I can put things out in the yard as I go through things, but that is not happening, so I will have to use the house for a bit and clutter it up for awhile!  All doable... excitement is in the air!


  1. WOW. You have so much going on! I'm thrilled to have clicked through to your blog & can't wait to dig in further. CONGRATS on the upcoming bachelors degree, the new biz, your son coming home AND landing a spell at your very own Hogwarts... amazing :O)

  2. Thank you! Now if I only had half the energy that you put into your Blog! haha I love your sharing of the wealth of information!
