Oh ...
As previously mentioned I was looking for work, found a job, still struggled with finances.. which always sends me into a tailspin emotionally. Finally started dating someone, that went to heck in a hand basket really quick. Disappointment, but what can you do for someone who takes no interest in actually helping themselves. Let myself get caught up in the moment, and dropped off the face of the earth, yet again. I truly hate being a flake. Yet, I still try not to beat myself up over it because, what good does that do any one??
I have so many ideas of things to do and write about, yet I let insecurities and laziness get the best of me. But one thing I did realize is that I truly need to take my Vitamin D3 if I am going to function more than just go to work and come home and be a couch potato. Weird sounding I know, but it is true. I remember going to my doctor for a check up when I turned forty and part of it was to check my vitamin D levels.. they were at 17, this being the middle of Spring. When you should be out getting some sun at least some form of sunlight.. nope, not me, I was a graveyard working couch potato. My doc said he had never seen levels so low, especially at that time of year. So I am now trying to take a supplement everyday, and boy howdy, do I notice the difference when I so not take them. I am working new hours at a new job. I enjoy it and by joining the NaNoWriMo Challenge, I am hoping to create a daily habit. One I hope will bleed over into other subjects/areas of my life.
I will be using the start of the characters that I created that year and a half ago, and developing them and also sharing here as much as I can. (I just realized I had better check the fine print on that aspect) but anyway, I'm still here, and hope I can get my schnaa together enough to do something without fear, with an open heart, and with persistence over anything that I may perceive as a hinderence!
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