Ready to break out of my private little shell and then some thoughts, ideas, and emotions broke out in the YouTube-verse. Not that it was bad or anything. I happened to totally agree with it.
But, as I have gotten older and life has had it's way with me I seem
to have let the introverted side of me take a little more control than
what I have liked, so I thought when I woke up yesterday I would
seriously consider being more active with communications and
maybe...just maybe ignoring my insecurities.. and .. wait for it.. ..
making video responses! Gasp.. I said it! But then something changed...
You see I have been studying information about Wicca, Witchcraft and Paganism for thirty years. I started with Laurie Cabot, her first book Power of the Witch was my first witchcraft book. Then, I began reading Scott Cunningham books because he "spoke" to me about being a solitary practitioner. Let's face it, I grew up in a small town and they can be rather redneck about things, and not too many options. Then, I began reading Ellen Dugan, and then a few other over the past couple of years. Not that I am recommending you follow my path or take it as a suggestion to follow these authors, but these are who I have followed for the past three decades. Information I have gathered over the years has stayed pretty much the same all this time. This has what has rung true to me all this time, and I am a strong believer in "take what you want and leave the rest behind" philosophy that Sylvia Browne helped me put into words.
I don't do well with the whole indoctrination and dogma of organized religions. Maybe, it is because of my research and studying of the Inquisition, and the Malleus Maleficarum or just not liking the idea women are not recognized, or just feared and punished for the natural power and magick they possess. Or the male of the species wants power over and possessions of others. I don't know. I do know that no one would ever confuse me for a Traditionalist. And truly not that there is anything wrong with a person choosing that path, it just doesn't float my boat. Just like my son and all of the other brave souls out there that choose to go into the military, you have my greatest Blessing and support... but I could never allow myself to become indoctrinated and join myself. Free will is to important to me to give up. I am very appreciative of people who do chose to follow a more structured path, it is just not something for me, but I do learn from them as well as anybody else.
But I am a Witch. I consider myself to be a pagan witch. I do not believe in a specific Goddess or God, other than Mother Nature and Father Sky. I do believe in the energies of a female and male power and universal overall of positive or negative. I am a Witch because I believe that as human beings began to evolve and have ideas and developing cultures, and healers... we were taught person to person. Yes, as times grew and progressed ceremonies and traditions were born and created, I get that. But in the beginning it was a passing on of information that could mean life or death between persons. So just because I do not follow a certain set of guidelines or dogma, or ritual ceremonies, I am no less of a Witch. I put this out there because twice in the past month I have seen where a couple of Traditionalists I follow in different places on the web, have pointed out how hard they work at doing and learning what they know and have done through their tradition and that being a Solitary doesn't really mean as much because they have not jumped through the hoops of someone's set ceremony and ritual. (Yes, I am paraphrasing so as too not make this too long.) And either I was just having an emotional/hormonal day, or this truly broke my heart. (The first time was a blow to me, and has been on my mind ever since, and then second time "did me in.") Because as you will see at the bottom of this post is a link to a Huffington Post story about a baby elephant that cried for five hours after it's mother rejected him. I cried too. I felt rejected. I was hurt. But I understood. Even though this broke my heart, I understand. And sometimes mountains get made out of mole hills.
We all have our own reasons for why we follow the path that we follow. We all have our own beliefs, deities, and philosophies... or lack there of even. But, as long as we put forth a honest effort to know your craft and not give out flippant information with no knowledge base... do what floats your boat, and understand not all will agree with you. Not everyone will appreciate what you do, or your knowledge. But they will always appreciate your honesty. I will not be changing who I am or the path I am on, unless it is for my betterment. I am a Solitary Witch.
Thank you, and White Light and Blessings to All! <3
Wow- what a delicious rant! I would love to see you making videos & participating in our community that way- clearly you've got a lot to say! LOVED this post, Sandy, and it would seem that we enjoy the same authors :O)