Saturday, January 25, 2014

Fittin In..

So how many munchkins out there are like me.. wondering how you can fit in, but at the same time not wanting to "play that game"??

I mean I have always been that rebel without a clue, walking my own walk, and saying fuck you to the mass majority.  Keeping most out of arms reach.

But sometimes when you get older you start to look for a group to hang with, a "Ya-Ya Sisterhood" to share your thoughts, drives, and similarities with... even when that is, and has been, against what you have done your whole life.  You have chosen to step outside of your comfort zone! 

Is it really for you though??  Is it just your ego holding you back?? Is it normal to feel almost like your skin crawls trying to fit in, or can you really put on a mask to get the message out there?  And if you do use a mask.. is your true message going to be heard?  Are you just feelin butt-hurt for things not happening as fast as you want them to happen???

These are the things that float through my head.  I have a lot to offer, I just don't think I always have the way to express it.  I can be a unique pill to swallow if you can't see the real me.  And I have gotten used to that over the years... not every one is the prom queen.  Maybe it is a lack of patience, maybe it is a lack of effort.. but really should it be an "effort"??  This is my conundrum .. do I say "look at me, look at me!"  or do I just continue on my merry little happy assed way, and keep trying to keep on, keeping on??  Waiting for the light-bulb to finally click on and see there are other people out there that have been in the shadows as well...

Well I like to switch my own switch, so we will see what turns on..

Thursday, January 23, 2014


The Calling

I would so enjoy it if you could join me in a FaceBook Event that I created to send out some Love into the Universe, either at a certain time (GMT) or just a good vibe all day long on the day of this Supermoon!   I will be projecting White Light and Outward Facing Mirrors to ward of negativity.  Won't you join me???

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Are your perceived offenses really just a road block???

This thought just hit me while I was looking over some self-help, solo-prenuer offerings.  As I was looking at some of the titles and descriptions, some of them kinda offended me!

"Live a First Class Life"  was one that stuck in my craw a bit. Why??? Because my perception of what "first class" is has to do with the money/class system.

Now I am getting as close to poor as I want to get at the moment, so to see an advertisement for making money as representing being "first class" really bothered me.  I may be poor, but I think I am still a classy dame!  *insert winky face here...

But it all boiled down to my perception of the class systems we have been taught and have had engrained in our minds... for eons, well maybe as long as capitalism (just my opinion here folks).
The "I need to be rich so I can have self-worth" ideals and morals that have dictated society and out culture for so long.  A first class life has more than just the obvious meaning of wealth, it is how you live your true self and walk your talk.

Another thing I thought of was...Once you know some of the tools of the trade I have a hard time moving forward because I feel like I have been duped by the hype and have followed blindly like the other "sheepeople"  who are looking for that life-raft in a sea of despair.  I don't like being "sheepeople" and the thought of it truly, truly bothers me.  Or, is it all just negative self talk and I need to pull up my individualized big girl panties, and go kick some metal ass and take charge of the situation???  * again, insert the Horns  \m/   DO I fight this inner gut feeling and keep saying it is for my own good and I have let myself fall into the negative trappings of other peoples opinions of me.. or at least my own perceived trappings of what I think they are thinking... yeah, say that three times fast!!  I mean I have pretty good intuition, but sometimes... I can think of a lot of good negative schnaa just from my own head, fed by doubts.  DO I realize that I am not duping other people by using known formulas for making a successful business, and know that as long as I am being straight forward and ethical, I am doing an alright thing??    Yeah, welcome to my world that is inside my head!   So, that is the next thing I am working on.  To do business you have to use a bit of psychology to show people what you have to offer and that they "should be" interested in it enough to buy.  Now to find my comfort zone in all that so I can do what needs to be done, but still not feel like the stereo-typed "used car salesman."   I know what I offer is good, made with love and positive intention... I just hate the sales pitch portion of the program!

I know I will be out of my slump soon, I am learning the how-tos and expanding my thoughts, and until then I know I can be First Class and a comfortable solution to selling is within reach.... even with 0 dollars in the bank, because I am one classy dame!

Thank you, White Light and Blessings to All!  <3

Sunday, January 19, 2014

New offering on my Etsy Shop!

Hey all, how are you today??  I am good, thank you.  I just wanted to stop by and tell you about my new offer... Ninety Nine Cent Tarot Reading!  I would offer it for free, but I can't.. so the next best thing I think!

There is a catch, but only a very small one...  I only ask that you give an honest review of my reading on my Etsy Shop!  That's it, that's all.  What I am offering is a Five Card, and any extras that appear, Spread in reply to your general question, in return you will receive a Word document to the e-mail that you provide.

Your e-mail will never be bought, sold, traded or what-have-you, just maybe a newsletter every now and again!  So I hope to see you there, and thank you for the opportunity to serve you and for letting me hone my skills!

PatchworkPentacles on Etsy

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Heelllooo there!

How is your 2014 going so far???  Mine is pretty good.  I have been having this Calling to do something since about Xmas time and I finally did it today. 

I created and Event on FaceBook: The Calling

It is just a simple request to put out some positive vibes and love to the Universe on the second supermoon... Black Moon.. on Jan 30th.  I personally am going to envision White Lights and Outward Facing Mirrors to repel any negativity. What are you going to envision??

Won't you join me???

Thank you, and White Light and Blessings to All!  <3